Hidradenitis Suppurativa APTT3X Care


Hidradenitis Suppurativa APTT3X

Hidradenitis Suppurativa Doctor Finder

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Hidradenitis Suppurativa: Pathophysiology and APTT3X Impact in Care

The pathologic process of hidradenitis suppurativa begins when a defective hair follicle becomes

occluded and ruptures, spilling its contents, including keratin and bacteria, into the surrounding dermis.

A chemotactic inflammatory response by surrounding neutrophils and lymphocytes can lead to abscess

formation and subsequent destruction of the pilosebaceous unit and other adjacent structures. Other

possible contributors to pathology include abnormal antimicrobial peptides, abnormal secretion of

apocrine glands, abnormal invaginations of the epidermis leading to tract formation, and deficient

numbers of sebaceous glands Immunological abnormalities have also been observed.

Elevated levels of inflammatory cytokines

Elevated levels of inflammatory cytokines,

including tumor necrosis factor-alpha and various interleukins, have been detected in the lesions of

hidradenitis suppurativa and provide possible targets for emerging treatments. Bacteria do not appear to

be causative. Aspirate from an unruptured lesion typically yields a sterile culture. However, bacterial

infection and colonization during the process can secondarily worsen hidradenitis suppurativa.

Up to half of the individuals will report a prodromal syndrome involving burning, stinging, pain, pruritus,

warmth, or hyperhidrosis in the area 12 to 48 hours before the appearance of a lesion. Triggers can

include menstruation, weight gain, stress, hormonal changes, excessive heat, and perspiration. On

presentation, individuals are typically well appearing and afebrile unless secondary infection or advanced

disease is present.

Characteristic primary lesions are deep-seated nodules, usually 0.5 to 2 cm, that last from days to

months. They are often mistaken for furuncles or “boils.” However, while a furuncle will respond rapidly

to drainage or antibiotics, the nodules of HS are deep and can rupture and track subcutaneously.

Multiple recurrent nodules in the same area may lead to the formation of intercommunicating sinus

tracts that can ulcerate or drain. Drainage may be purulent and malodorous. Other lesions include open

comedones (described as “tombstone” comedones), often double or multi-headed. In advanced stages,

thick fibrotic scars and plaques can develop, leading to architectural distortion of the area.

The axilla is the most common location for HS lesions. Other common areas are the inguinal, inner

thighs, perianal and perineal, inframammary, buttocks, pubic area, scrotum, vulva, trunk, and, less

commonly, the scalp and retro-auricular areas.


WHY APTT3X for treatment of HS lesions?

The extensive use of APTT3X formulation in Wound care (acute and chronic), Burn care,

Orthopedic/Trauma care and many forms of soft tissue infections provide a strong foundation of

efficacy that will and has translated to the benefit of HS patients incorporating APTT3XTM

formulation into their HS treatment program.

APTT3XTM formulation has key aspects of efficacy that lend itself to managing and stopping

these HS lesions.

The APTT3XTM formulation penetrates deeply into tissues- up to 2.5 cm in 24 hrs. This is

important due to treating these early developing HS lesions during “prodromal

symptoms” experienced by HS patients. Start sooner than later with applications.

Our active ingredient of 3% Tetracycline and the formulation, imparts direct inhibition to

the inflammatory cytokine cascade to mitigate ongoing development and rupture of

lesions due to the localized inflammation.

Cell Differentiation Enhancement

The APTT3X formulation contains our proprietary “Cell Differentiation Enhancement”

technology that provides pathways to optimize the localized healing (regenerative type

responses) of these nodules. As noted in wound care and burn care, we see dramatically

less scarring and fibrosis when the APTT3X formulation is the key component of care.

The APTT3XTM formulation will prevent any bacterial infection from developing and

creating secondary pain, inflammation. The APTT3XTM formulation WILL decrease the

use of oral antibiotics in managing HS lesions, hence removing many side effects patients

experience from long term oral antibiotic usage, in addition to developing resistance.

The APTT3XTM formulation will penetrate through scabs/crusts (eschars) when used to

manage more progressive lesions of HS. This addition of APTT3XTM will decrease the

needs for any form of surgical intervention for HS patients (deroofing procedures and

excisional surgery).

Importantly, there have been no adverse events reported or documented in over 8 years

of use of this topical APTT3XTM formulation.

APTT3X formulation for HS lesion treatments

The APTT3XTM formulation for HS lesion treatments will improve the lives of people suffering

from this debilitating and depressing condition. There is no reason not to integrate this

formulation into your long-term management strategies for Hidradenitis Suppurativa.


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